Healthy House Concept
All human need a place to live and called a house. A house is a place to relax, build relationship and kinship between members of family, as a place to protect our family, to keep our valuables things, and also as a social symbol.
Housing is basic needs for human and also as a determine factor of well-being people. For this reason, housing should has fundamental and complex purpose. Standardization of housing is a significant issue for societal health. The housing should provide nice facilities and great infrastructures like clean water system, good sanitation for the garbage, transportation, and social services.
A house is physical shape consist of room, yard, and other area that used as a place to live and facility family guidance. According to WHO, a house is physical shape or a shelter where the environment should have good point for physical health and spiritual, and also have good society for the members of family and for ourselves. For this reason, we can say that a healthy house is a building to protect us and to rest our body from our activities and also as a facility to develop our family of growing a good physical life, our way of thinking, and social life so that all the members of family can be productive. Therefore, the existence of healthy house, peaceful, harmonious, and well organized are highly recommended in order making the good function of the house fulfilled.
Healthy houses have basic components such as:
- Strong foundation to hold the load of building to the ground, to give stabilization of building, and a construction link between the building and the ground.
- Impermeable floor, it has minimum height about 10 cm from the yard and 25 cm from the road.
- It should have ceiling to hold and absorb the heat of sun, minimum height about 2,4 m of the floor.We can use wood material, bamboo, or plywood.
- It has windows and doors as ventilation, as a way of sunlight to get in and the minimum wide about 10 % of floor zize.
- Impermeable wall to sustain the roof, to hold out the wind and the rain, making protection of hot temperature and particle of dust from the outside.
- The roof to protect people from sunlight also dust, wind, and rain.
Thanks for read this article about Healthy House Concept, hopefully you are assisted.